Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quality Family Time

Former Minnesota Twins baseball legend Harmon Killebrew tells a story about his father. He and his brother and dad were rough-housing on the front-lawn when his mom came out and said to his dad, "All that wrestling around is pulling up the lawn." He never forgot his dad's gentle reply - "We’re not raising a lawn. We're raising two sons."

I've been traveling a lot lately - more than I would like. My two girls, Jessica - almost seven - and Siena, two-and-a-half, deserve to see more of their dad. Slowly, I am becoming much more selective as I make decisions for my life which impact the lives of my children. Let's ask ourselves the tough questions: Is this business trip really needed? Is that dinner or speech or event a high priority?

When it comes to our kids, it's not just quality time - its also quantity time.

Here's a secret to moms and dads in our always-too-busy silicon valley. If you want to see a lot of your kids when they are older, invest a lot of time with your kids while they are younger. The relationships we build today will be the only foundation standing tomorrow.

And for goodness sakes, don't worry about messing up the lawn. The lawn has a chance to grow back. Our kids only grow-up once.

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