Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Silicon Valley priorities

Last week, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group released its Annual “CEO Survey,” completed by 153 Valley CEOs with combined annual revenues exceeding $1.7 trillion dollars.

The good news – there is good news.  By an eight to one ratio, CEOs see hiring within their companies in 2010.  For a Valley with an unemployment rate of 12 percent, this could not happen soon enough.

The CEOs also identified issues at the local, state and federal levels that would strengthen our economy and increase our ability to add jobs.  It is vital that policy makers partner with the Valley to accomplish the goal of job creation.

At the local level, that means a renewed focus on K-12 education, transportation improvements and more affordable homes.

At the state level, it means much more focus on K-12 and higher education, competitive tax policies, traffic relief and housing.

In D.C., it means health care, the federal deficit, climate change, competitive tax policies and Immigration Reform for high-skilled workers.

What does it mean to you and I?  Ask candidates at every level in the June election how their priorities match up against the Valley’s priorities to create jobs and strengthen our economy.  Keep them accountable.  And vote accordingly. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Obesity In America

I recently watched the NBC Special on the Hawaii Ironman World Championships.

1,800 amazingly fit athletes, almost all amateurs, swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running 26.2 miles – all through the heat and humidity that form the lava fields of Hawaii.

I then picked up this week’s Economist Magazine and my inspiration turned to alarm as I read about the unhealthy lifestyles of most Americans:

In a sentence, we’ve become a country of couch potatoes . . .
  • 34 percent of Americans are Obese.
  • Two of every three Americans – 68 percent – are either obese or overweight
  • More Americans are likely to be overweight than to pay federal income tax
  • Obese Americans rack up medical bills 42 percent higher than Americans of healthy weights.
The good news? Our density is not our destiny.

  • First, consult your doctor. Find out what you can do.
  • A good start is just walking 30 minutes at least three times per week.
  • Select fruits and vegetables over chips and dip.
  • Turn off the TV and put on your tennis shoes.
You may never become an Ironman, but every woman – and man – can lead a healthy lifestyle, a longer life and a fitter future.