Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Silicon Valley Projections Summit

If California is heading off of the proverbial cliff, then who is going to save it from destruction?

The job of fixing California – our economy, our state government – is too big for any one person, organization, or company, but it is entirely possible if we all pull together, and lift our state out of the abyss.

If you’re frustrated with a legislature that seems broken – already 60 days late on a state budget, which is $20 billion in the whole.

If you’re frustrated with a statewide unemployment rate of 12.4 percent, or worse yet – you’re one of those people currently unemployed or underemployed.

If you’re frustrated with the multitude of studies ranking California’s business climate as the least friendly in the nation for job creation and retention. Then you need to join us Thursday morning, September 16, at Santa Clara University, for our 14th Annual “Silicon Valley Projections Summit,” when real people – 600 strong – come together for a half-day of interactive panel discussions on the important theme of “Economic Recovery and Government Reform.”

Learn more at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group web site at Sign up, show up & speak up. California’s future is worth it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great news for Silicon Valley

For those who think Silicon Valley’s best days are behind us- I have great news to share.

When it comes to Venture Capital funding – those entrepreneurs who place their wallets where there words are – the results are in for the second quarter of investment throughout the United States. In the past 90 days, $6.5 billion was invested across the country, with an amazing 45 percent invested right here in Silicon Valley – a whopping $2.9 billion. No other region in the country received more than single digits, other than Southern California, with 13 percent.

There’s more good news. VC’s are placing their bets on a green energy economy, with the biggest beneficiaries going to the renewable energy sector – whose job growth continues to be the rainbow on an otherwise dark cloud in California’s economy. In fact, while California was losing jobs during this downturn, renewable energy jobs increased by five percent.

This past quarter, the Bay Area had seven of the ten biggest VC deals, with electric car infrastructure company Better Place of Palo Alto securing the biggest deal in the country at $350 million.

Silicon Valley: Proving once again that a green economy attracts the biggest stack of green backs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A's to San Jose

Silicon Valley and San Jose are known world-wide for innovation and invention.

Yet when it comes to sports and cultural amenities for our workers and their families, we're still in the minor leagues.

This November, citizens of San Jose can change that. Thanks to the leadership of Mayor Chuck Reed, Councilmember Sam Liccardo and their Council colleagues- along with civic boosters like businessman Michael Mulcahy and former Mayor Susan Hammer- the A's may bring Major League Baseball to downtown San Jose.

Here's the pitch:

- First,the A's would be responsible for 100 percent of the cost of building, operating and maintaining the ballpark.
- Second, the proposal brings more than 1,000 new jobs to San Jose.
- Third, the stadium is only a line drive away from CalTrain and Light Rail, and the future of BART connection to San Jose
- And bringing it home. the Mayor's proposal calls for no new taxes.

I call this a home run, and encourage the City Council to place the stadium proposal on the November ballot. A major-league economy deserves Major League Baseball.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Best Buddies and the Hearst Castle Challenge

On Tuesday, I interviewed Best Buddies Founder, Anthony Kennedy Shriver on "The CEO Show". Anthony is the son of Eunice Shriver, who founded the Special Olympics and Sargeant Shriver, the driving force behind the creation of The Peace Corps.

Best Buddies is the world's largest organization that links people with and without Intellectual and Developmental disabilities, with chapters in all 50 states and 46 countries, currently serving more than 700,000 people.

This cutting edge non-profit cuts close to home. My wife Leslee & I lost our unborn son, Immanuel, on February 7, 2008, who had been diagnosed with multiple, severe intellectual and developmental abnormalities. In his honor, we are joining Best Buddies for their "Hearst Castle Challenge" bicycle ride September 11, riding from Carmel to the Castle to raise funds for this amazing program.

Turning a negative into a positive - that is what we do here in Silicon Valley. Please, check out Best Buddies on the web. Join us on the ride, or support our ride. Let's make a difference for people with - and without - disabilities.