Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spirit Intact

* Right pelvis - broken
* Right elbow - broken
* Positive spirit - intact!

Last Saturday, while riding my bike home from an errand, I crashed with a young boy on his skateboard who dashed across the road. Thankfully, I hit his skateboard rather than him.

The x-rays revealed what my body felt when it hit the concrete. A fractured pelvis and a fractured elbow to accompany the road rash up and down the left side of my body.

But attitude is everything, and angels are everywhere:

* The boy on the skateboard could have instantly darted away. Instead, "Jake" stayed and helped, and his friends went for help.
* On-going motorists and neighbors could have passed by. Instead, they stopped, carried me out of the street where I had laid for many minutes, and brought me to a nearby yard. One brought pillows, another blankets.
* Police and fire fighters arrived, and could not have been more professional and positive.
* 11 hours in Emergency Room are never easy, but the folks at Good Samaritan lived up to their hospital's name.

Healing does not begin now. The healing began the moment my body slammed to the pavement, surrounded by such caring and compassionate strangers.

Happy Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. Carl you truly are a saint to look at it this way. Guess that is why they call them "accidents." I wish you a fast healing time and a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!
