Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1,000 Hearts for 1,000 Minds

California public school students rank 45th of 50 states in math, 48th in science and 49th in spending per student. Enter “1,000 Hearts for 1,000 Minds,” a new tutoring initiative being launched by San Jose City Councilman Sam Liccardo and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, to focus on reading and math skills for k-8 students in some of our poorest neighborhoods.

The goal is simple: engage 1,000 caring adult volunteers with 1,000 k-8 kids in Silicon Valley schools. You can volunteer as little as one hour per week for a duration as short as eight to ten weeks.

Make a difference – offer your time or treasure.
• Your time: just one hour per week.
• Your treasure: make a personal contribution or encourage your employer to make a company contribution.

Let’s help 1,000 kids right here in San Jose & Silicon Valley strengthen their reading and math skills, and succeed in a 21st century economy.
To get involved, click here. Reach out today. Change a life – tutor a student.

1 comment:

  1. I did visit the and did not find any link to volunteer my time towards this initiative. Can you please update the website and/or this blog with the link to register as a volunteer please? Thanks.
