Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Measure A

Education and affordable homes are critical to our Valley’s success.
Sadly, these important building blocks of a strong economy and community are often pitted against each other. That is exactly what has happened in North San Jose with Measure A.
Measure A is a ballot measure before the voters of North San Jose within the Santa Clara Unified School District. It would place a tax on housing in order to pay for education costs. I have supported many tax and bond measures to fund schools, however, this tax is too high. It will stifle new construction jobs and put a significant economic development plan at risk. This is particularly alarming because North San Jose has been tagged by the region as an important growth area. Due to its central location to job centers and proximity to the airport and transit infrastructure, it is viewed as an appropriate location in which to direct future growth and economic development.
We can have our cake and eat it too – quality schools, homes for our workforce and a strong economy. There is no doubt that we need to plan for and fund future school needs but Measure A is not the right way to do it."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Meeting with Governor Jerry Brown

In Silicon Valley, content is king, while attire and appearance are all but irrelevant.

It was refreshing to see that our new Governor, Jerry Brown, understands this.

Last week, the Silicon Valley leadership group hosted a meeting with governor brown in his capitol office with 18 business leaders from throughout the state. In walked our Governor, wearing old tennis shoes and a 15-year old sweat-suit, complete with a hole in one pant leg.

It was completely disarming, absolutely endearing and entirely befitting of a meeting with anyone from Silicon Valley. With a $25 billion budget deficit, a 12 percent unemployment rate; and a need for jobs and economic competitiveness, pension and governance reforms, solutions and substance trump tailored suits & ties.

Our governor flies Southwest, eschews fancy shoes and travels solo.

He may not spend too much time wrestling with a neck-tie, but he is investing the time to grapple with the tough issues facing our state. I'll take that trade-off every time.

Governor, keep wearing those running shoes. Fixing our state will be a marathon - not a sprint - and Silicon Valley stands ready to run that race with you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Silicon Valley needs a direct flight to Tokyo

Growing up, I was a fan of the Harlem Globetrotters. However, I have never been a fan of globetrotting local elected officials, who believe it is their job to trek around the planet.

I make an exception for San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, who hates frivolous travel as much as me. This past week, we traveled together to Tokyo - wheels up to wheels down: 71 hours.

The reason: meetings with the CEO and senior staff of ANA, Japan’s second largest airline, as we seek a direct flight between San Jose International and Tokyo.

More than 400 Silicon Valley residents take the trek daily to SFO - the airport with the worst on-time performance in the U.S. - to fly to Tokyo. It would be easier, more efficient and more economical to fly from San Jose, the airport with the nation's best on-time performance, and that is the mayor's and my shared goal.

It is refreshing to have a mayor who would rather work to improve our city than engage in foreign policy, but it is equally refreshing to know that when he does travel, it is solely when it is in the city's, and our valley's, best interest. Mayor Reed: globetrotter - no. World-class - yes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

California's future- look, then leap

"I'll jump if you jump."

In the 1973 film, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," Paul Newman and Robert Redford struck a bargain: Face certain death on a mountain, or hurtle themselves into the unknown dangers of a raging stream below. They stuck together, jumped and lived.

With a $25 billion budget deficit, the Golden State faces similar choices. Stay frozen in place and perish, or take a risk in working together and survive. We urge our Governor and Legislature to leap together.

Step One: California needs a plan; a strategic plan to grow the economy and create jobs. It's no coincidence that during the past decade, Texas added 1 million private sector jobs; Arizona grew 265,000 new jobs, and California lost 53,000 jobs. Yes, most competitor states have developed a strategic plan for jobs and economic prosperity. By failing to plan, we have planned to fail. We can change this. Governor Brown can appoint a cabinet-level officer to create and implement a strategic plan. His "Jobs Czar" can assemble key leaders from California's top industry clusters. We can study what other states do well. This isn't hard: Study the competition; build the plan; perform to plan.

Butch and Sundance- time to jump.