In Silicon Valley, we know this is not an either/or decision – but an And. We can have both a strong economy and a healthy environment – In fact, we must.
Four years ago, California enacted AB 32 – the Global Warming Solutions Act – reducing greenhouse gas emissions, curtailing our over-dependence on foreign oil and strengthening our renewable energy economy.
Sadly, Texas oil companies like Valero are bank-rolling a ballot measure to stop AB 32, muscling in with campaign contributions of $1 million apiece.
- At a time when Californians need jobs the most, clean & green jobs are a bright spot on California’s otherwise cloudy economy.
- Between 1995 & 2008, green jobs grew by 36 percent, while total jobs grew by only 13 percent.
- And when California’s economy plummeted in 2007 & 2008, green jobs grew by 5 percent. These jobs are fueling our economic recovery. Texas oil companies are trying to siphon off our economic success, leaving us plugged in to their pumps.
- Between 1995 & 2008, green jobs grew by 36 percent, while total jobs grew by only 13 percent.