Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AB32 - Protecting our Enivornment & Economy

A strong economy – Or – A healthy environment.

In Silicon Valley, we know this is not an either/or decision – but an And. We can have both a strong economy and a healthy environment – In fact, we must.

Four years ago, California enacted AB 32 – the Global Warming Solutions Act – reducing greenhouse gas emissions, curtailing our over-dependence on foreign oil and strengthening our renewable energy economy.
Sadly, Texas oil companies like Valero are bank-rolling a ballot measure to stop AB 32, muscling in with campaign contributions of $1 million apiece.
  • At a time when Californians need jobs the most, clean & green jobs are a bright spot on California’s otherwise cloudy economy.
    • Between 1995 & 2008, green jobs grew by 36 percent, while total jobs grew by only 13 percent.
    • And when California’s economy plummeted in 2007 & 2008, green jobs grew by 5 percent. These jobs are fueling our economic recovery.  Texas oil companies are trying to siphon off our economic success, leaving us plugged in to their pumps. 
Let’s remind out-of-state special interests that we know better in Silicon Valley.  Let’s fight for a strong economy AND a healthy environment. Let’s protect AB 32.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Made in Silicon Valley

Joe Simitian recently shared the best advice he’s ever received – “A winner is a loser who never gave up.”
It’s also one of the reasons why Silicon Valley is so resilient. We don’t give up. Waves of innovation have come and gone, yet they continue to happen here in Silicon Valley, and it’s no coincidence.
First, it was electronics and defense, then semiconductors, personal computers, software, the internet and now clean & green tech.
I’ve heard recent reports that Silicon Valley is on the ropes. I disagree. Yes, we have challenges to face, and we must face them with steely-eyed determination. Yet we have incredible strengths to celebrate.

  • Universities – Silicon Valley is home to three of the top 15 Universities in the world.
  • Diversity – We attract the world’s top talent, with 53 percent of our engineers & 50 percent of our Company CEOs born abroad – selecting Silicon Valley as home to create and innovate.
  • Venture Capital – VC’s continue to put their wallets where there words are, with more than 40 percent of VC investment in the U.S. going to firms headquartered here.

Yes, we have challenges – housing, traffic, education. But we have a choice: We can roll over and give up, or we can roll up our sleeves and succeed. That’s what we do at the Leadership Group: Tackle our challenges, celebrate our strengths. Please, join us.